Energy and Environment
Throughout my career, I've advocated strong protections for our environment. Whether it is fighting for clean air and water regulations, pushing for green energy innovation, protecting our wildlife and natural resources, or addressing the threat of climate change, fighting for our environment has been one of my top priorities.
I am a member of the Sustainable Energy & Environment Coalition (SEEC), whose mission is to advance policies that promote renewable energy and green collar jobs, protect our nation’s natural environment, and address global climate change. I cosponsored the Energy Security and Independence Act of 2022 (H.R.7439) to reduce American dependence on fossil fuels and protect Americans from volatile and expensive energy prices. This bill would invest in domestic clean energy production through the Defense Production Act and bolster renewable energy manufacturing through grants and benefits for taxpayers. These funded projects would additionally create green jobs protected by high labor standards. Access to affordable, clean energy is a right that all Americans deserve and one that I am committed to securing.
Climate change is a crisis that affects everyone, and its impacts have already changed the lives of millions of Americans. For this reason I introduced the Stay Cool Act (H.R. 7949), a package of proposals to address the increasing threat of extreme heat; the first to address surface temperatures. Heat threatens the quality of lives of all Americans, but the intensity and impact of heat on communities varies. Unfortunately, communities of color and low-income communities are at higher risk than their white, wealthier counterparts — often subject to urban heat islands and health complications that turn fatal. This bill will ensure that all Americans have access to heat-safe housing, and fund research to protect against and reverse the effects of climate change. Protecting the health of my constituents, and the most vulnerable in our society, is of the utmost importance to me and I will continue to fight for a livable and safe future for the next generation.
I have also co-sponsored a number of other environmental bills, including the Environmental Justice for All Act (H.R. 2021) which would establish several environmental justice requirements and programs to address the disproportionate adverse human health or environmental effects of federal actions on communities of color, low-income communities, or tribal and indigenous communities.. The League of Conservation Voters has given me a 97% lifetime rating.
Protecting the environment is in the best interests of New Jersey. Climate change will have a devastating impact on the residents of New Jersey and the numerous vital industries that make our state so important to the nation. Steps must be taken to protect our state’s ecosystems and ensure a clean and safe environment for future generations.
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October 26, 2023
Watson Coleman Leads Bipartisan Effort to Defeat Effort to Defund Delaware River Cleanup
July 20, 2023
Reps. Watson Coleman, Gallego Introduce The SHADE Act To Combat Rising Temperatures In Cities
June 22, 2023
Rep. Watson Coleman Reintroduces Stay Cool Act to Better Prepare Communities to Address Heat Emergencies
May 31, 2023
Rep. Watson Coleman Votes to Raise Debt Ceiling, Calls for Elimination of Archaic Debt Ceiling Process
February 24, 2023
Menendez, Booker, Watson Coleman Lead NJ Delegation in Announcing $35M in LIHEAP Additional Funding to Assist NJ Families with Heating Expenses
August 12, 2022
Rep. Watson Coleman Votes for Historic Inflation Reduction Act to Lower New Jerseyans' Costs
June 30, 2022
Rep. Watson Coleman Statement on West Virginia v. EPA Ruling
June 16, 2022
Rep. Watson Coleman Votes to Lower Food and Fuel Costs
June 06, 2022
Rep. Watson Coleman Introduces the Stay Cool Act to Better Prepare Communities to Address Heat Emergencies
May 19, 2022
Rep. Watson Coleman Votes to Crack Down on Price Gouging at the Pump
April 21, 2022
Rep. Watson Coleman Announces New Transportation, Climate Investments Headed to New Jersey Under Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
April 19, 2022
Gallego and Watson Coleman Introduce Bill to Combat the Causes and Impacts of Excess Urban Heat
March 15, 2022
Rep. Watson Coleman Funds $7,330,091 In Local Projects
March 09, 2022
Rep. Watson Coleman Votes For Omnibus Funding Bill
January 19, 2022
Rep. Watson Coleman Announces $496 Million in Infrastructure Spending to Complete Green Brook Sub Basin Flood Control Project
January 07, 2022
Watson Coleman Doubles Help for New Jersey Families to Afford Energy Costs This Winter
November 10, 2021
Rep. Watson Coleman Votes to Pass Infrastructure Bill and Advance Build Back Better Act
November 09, 2021
Rep. Watson Coleman Announces More than $112 Million to Help New Jersey Families Cover Energy Costs This Winter
July 06, 2021
Watson Coleman Sends Letter to President and FEMA Administrator Requesting Strategic Plan for Heat Emergencies
June 25, 2021
Rep. Watson Coleman Introduces the SHADE Act to Combat the Environmental Impacts of Redlining
March 31, 2021
Watson Coleman, Malinowski Introduce Bill to Ensure Full Reviews of Proposed Pipelines
March 10, 2021
Watson Coleman, Malinowski Call on Biden Administration to Reverse its Stance Supporting PennEast Pipeline
July 14, 2020
Watson Coleman, Pallone, Kim Applaud Fix to Sandy Relief Funds in House THUD Appropriations Bill
October 29, 2019
Kuster, Watson Coleman, Malinowski, Quigley, Huffman Introduce Legislation to Protect Conservation Land from Pipeline Development
October 09, 2019
Representatives Malinowski and Watson Coleman Demand Suspension of PennEast Pipeline Construction
October 10, 2017
Rep. Watson Coleman Statement on Trump Administration Decision to Rescind the Clean Power Plan
September 28, 2017
Rep. Watson Coleman Urges Trump Administration to Send Immediate Relief Assistance to Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands
July 18, 2017
Rep. Watson Coleman to NJ Enviro Leaders: “House Republicans Damaging Legislation is Hidden in Plain Sight”
May 31, 2017
Rep. Watson Coleman Statement on President Trump’s Decision to Pull out of the Paris Climate Agreement
May 11, 2017
Rep. Watson Coleman Statement on Reports of Leak in Unfinished Dakota Access Pipeline
March 16, 2017
Congresswoman Watson Coleman Statement on President Trump’s FY2018 Budget Proposal
February 09, 2017
Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman and Fellow New Jersey Lawmakers Pen Letter to FERC on Williams Transco Enhancement Project
September 09, 2016
Watson Coleman Supports Standing Rock Sioux Efforts to Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline
June 29, 2016
Watson Coleman Announces SAFER Pipelines Act
November 06, 2015
Watson Coleman Statement on Denial of Keystone XL Pipeline Permit
January 09, 2015
Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman Votes to Oppose Keystone XL Pipeline