June 28, 2017

Rep. Watson Coleman Statement on Passage of Protecting Access to Care Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman released the following statement on the House passage of the Protecting Access to Care Act:

“Republicans here in Congress insist on passing legislation in search of a problem. Medical malpractice lawsuits are far from the biggest threat to access to affordable care - the Republican attacks on the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid, the sick and the poor is the true threat. Instead of working on the real issues at hand, they insist on attacking the ability for people harmed in health care settings from pursuing justice—capping noneconomic damages, imposing excessively short statutes of limitation, and making it harder for victims to obtain an attorney. This entire exercise is a dangerous affront to both the health and safety of the American people, but also the entire justice system our democracy is founded upon.

This week I sent a letter to my colleagues to encourage them to vote no on this bill and spoke on the floor in opposition. It is important that the American people understand that Republicans in Congress will seemingly go to any length to patronize powerful interests at the expense of everyday Americans.”
