February 06, 2020

Rep. Watson Coleman Votes for Protecting the Right to Organize Act

Amending the National Labor Relations Act and Related Labor Laws to Extend Protections to Union Workers

Washington, D.C. (February 6, 2020) - Today, Congresswoman Watson Coleman applauded the passage of H.R. 2474, Protecting the Right to Organize Act or PRO Act, legislation that would amend the National Labor Relations Act and related labor laws to extend protections to union workers.

“The middle class in America was built with union labor. For decades, powerful corporate interests and their allies in the Republican Party have worked to weaken labor power and chipped away at institutions like the National Labor Relations Board. Their efforts have brought us to a point were union membership has cratered, and it’s no coincidence that income inequality has grown to its highest level since the years leading up to the Great Depression.

“With the Pro Act, Democrats are taking yet another step to fulfill our promise to stand up for the people, instead of corporate interests and shareholders. It’s about holding companies accountable and giving power back to those responsible for their profits. The PRO Act helps Americans who work odd ours and multiple jobs, it covers those who must work multiple jobs so that they do not lose their right to organize when they change shifts, and this ensures many of the most vulnerable workers are not left behind.

“The most important part of the PRO Act is the protection for the right to strike.  All other labor power flows from worker’s ability to organize and withhold their labor. If workers can put their sweat into building the greatest country in the world it is essential that they have the right to join their fellow workers to demand a fair share of what they built. I am thrilled to see this bill pass in the House and remain committed to working Americans.”