December 21, 2022

Rep. Watson Coleman Statement on Ukrainian President Zelenskyy’s Address to Congress

Tonight, Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman (NJ-12) attended Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s address to a joint session of Congress. Following Zelenskyy’s speech, the Congresswoman issued this statement:  

“For ten months, President Zelenskyy has led his nation with unwavering courage as Ukrainians fight back against Putin’s horrific, unlawful invasion. I am in awe of his heroic leadership and dedication to his people. 

“As the sovereign nation of Ukraine battles Putin’s forces, we are reminded that this war is not simply one of Ukraine versus Russia. This is a conflict of oppressed versus oppressor, of liberty versus tyranny. The fight for Ukraine is the fight for democracy itself. 

“With bipartisan support, Congress has delivered billions in aid for Ukraine this year. President Zelenskyy’s address comes as Congress prepares to pass another round of security, economic, and humanitarian support for his people. Appealing to our shared values of freedom and self-determination, President Zelenskyy brought together Members of Congress from across the aisle and reinvigorated our support for this noble cause. 

“Defending oneself from oppression is a human right. As Putin’s brutal war wages on, I remain steadfast in my commitment to supporting that right for the Ukrainian people.”