March 30, 2023

Rep. Watson Coleman Statement on Indictment of Former President Donald Trump

WASHINGTON, D.C. (March 30, 2023) — Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman issued the following statement on today's indictment of former President Donald Trump: 

“Today, an alleged criminal was charged with a crime. Like other alleged criminals, he will have his day in court and be given the opportunity to make his case. This is exactly how our justice system should work. In America, no one is above the law, not even former Presidents.  

“Over the course of his administration, the former President proved time and time again that he was unfit to serve the public in any public office or position of public trust, let alone the highest one in the country. We must not forget that his was a presidency defined by two impeachments, a disastrous response to a global pandemic, an economic collapse, and handouts to the rich at the expense of working families. 

“From the beginning of his 2016 campaign, millions of Americans knew that Mr. Trump lacked the competence, civility, and character necessary to lead and represent our nation on the world stage. Should he be found guilty of the crime he allegedly committed, it will only serve as further proof that he should never again set foot in the Oval Office.”