February 16, 2018

Rep. Watson Coleman Statement on Indictment of 13 Russian Nationals

Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-NJ) issued the following statement in response to the announcement by the office of Special Counsel Robert Mueller of indictments of Russian businesses and nationals for a criminal conspiracy to interfere with the presidential election in 2016:

“Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s indictments are the latest indication that the very fabric of our democracy was attacked and the American people collectively are victims of criminal acts. While our fundamental democratic principles have been under direct attack predating the 2016 elections, President Trump and Congressional Republicans have undermined, obscured, and ignored these crimes to the detriment of transparency and justice. This is not a partisan game. This is not fake news. These indictments outline the Russians heavily funded and coordinated efforts to put Donald Trump in the White House.”

 “The Special Counsel’s investigation is still ongoing and there is much to learned in order to re-secure our democracy. Every American should support Robert Mueller’s independence and ability to complete his investigation and prevent the President from interfering with that work.”
