May 31, 2024

Rep. Watson Coleman Issues Statement in Support of Permanent Ceasefire Plan Laid Out by President Biden

Today, Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (NJ-12) issued the following statement regarding the pathway to a permanent ceasefire laid out by President Biden this afternoon:

“I strongly support the pathway to a permanent ceasefire laid out by President Biden this afternoon. It is reasonable, it is tenable, it is necessary for lasting peace to take hold. Crucially, it sets the foundation for rebuilding Gaza — an issue I have been raising since the early days of this conflict, when I first called for a permanent ceasefire.

“It has always been my position that the safe return of the hostages is necessary for any peaceful end to this war. This proposal brings us closer to that reality than at any point in the nearly eight grueling months since they were violently taken from their homes, their families, and their friends. 

“This proposal is also our best hope to finally end the unimaginable suffering that innocent Palestinians have been subjected to during this war, by ensuring a full withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Gaza Strip, and entry of humanitarian aid to relieve the starving and wounded families and children still trapped there. These conditions must be met so the Palestinian people can begin to rebuild their cities, bury their loved ones, and finally determine their future for themselves. 

“This has been an agonizing conflict for everyone involved. I am praying that negotiators can come to an agreement in principle from this proposal and finally secure, once and for all, a lasting peace.”