December 20, 2023

Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman Holds Tele-Town Hall

Yesterday, Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman held a tele-town hall to hear from neighbors and share updates about her work in Congress and the District on behalf of New Jersey’s 12th Congressional District constituents.

Congresswoman Watson Coleman began the town hall by discussing her work to lower costs and upgrade and improve infrastructure across the district including protecting the Delaware River, improving road conditions, and working with the Army Corp of Engineers to protect homeowners from flooding. 

The Congresswoman also discussed her legislation to upgrade fire suppression technology in public housingdecrease commute times on our transit systems, improve access to mental health resources for our youth, efforts to fight infant and maternal mortality, and the ongoing conflict in Israel and Gaza. 

She also answered questions from constituents about rebuilding our infrastructure, helping struggling veterans, fully funding education, expanding access to mental health care, improving our maternal health systems, defending reproductive rights, affordable housing availability, shoring up our domestic supply chains, and defending democracy.

A full recording of the town hall can be found here.