July 09, 2024

Congressional Caucus on Black Women and Girls and Black Women Equal Pay Coalition Elevate Black Women’s Equal Pay Day

Washington, D.C. (July 9, 2024) — Today, the Congressional Caucus on Black Women and Girls and Black Women Equal Pay Coalition issued statements calling attention to dramatic and persistent nationwide racial disparities in income:


The Congressional Caucus on Black Women and Girls issued the following statement:

“America’s long history of racism, sexism, discrimination and exploitation of and towards Black women has created a dramatic disparity in income which has changed very little over the past several decades. 

“Black women make only 68-69 cents for every dollar a white man is paid. In 1988, Black women made 59 cents for every dollar a white man was paid. Going on 35 years later, the pay gap has narrowed by 10 pennies. It is clear more must be done to address the systemic inequities in our country that created and now perpetuate such a dramatic disparity.

“As we mark Black Women Equal Pay Day let us all take time to reflect on the causes of this disparity, the forces that perpetuate it, and the solutions we can all pursue to rectify it.”


Black Women Equal Pay Coalition issued the following statement:

“Black Women's Equal Pay Day represents the day Black Women must work into the new year to earn what White, non-Hispanic men earned at the end of last year. This year, that's more than six additional months. “Over a 40 year career, that wage gap results in a nearly $1,000,000 loss per woman, robbing them and their families of economic stability, retirement security and generational wealth. Worse, this year’s equal pay day observance occurs at a time of an unprecedented and coordinated attack on Black women in frontline jobs, in entrepreneurship, and in positions of leadership. More than 60 years after the passage of the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Black women deserve better. 

“This is why our groups have united to lead a movement calling on Congress and the White House to prioritize legislation and policies that will close the wage gap and improve the lives of working women and calling on corporate America to recommit itself to ensuring gender and racial diversity, equity and inclusion in their workplaces and investments. Black women are and have always been the backbone of our democracy and our economy; they deserve equitable pay and treatment in the workplace.”


Black Women’s Equal Pay Day Co-Leads:

American Association of University Women

Black Women’s Roundtable 

Equal Pay Today & Equal Rights Advocates

Institute for Women’s Policy Research

Mississippi Black Women’s Roundtable

National Council of Negro Women

National Partnership for Women and Families

National Women’s Law Center

The co-chairs of the Congressional Caucus on Black Women and Girls alongside leaders of the Black Women Equal Pay Day Coalition held a webinar to discuss the disproportionate effects of the gender pay gap for Black women. The discussion can be viewed here.